I really f*** with "The Bridge on the River Kwai". It's this small (by small I mean intimate, and lean in focus) movie with large scope, and its breathtakingly well directed, acted and shot, but it's also a sweeping ode to the cartoonish idea of white superiority and western conservatism. It’s always a fight watching this film, because my one brain is saying what a masterpiece, how epic! This ode to inevitability in the face of the struggle for survival, and will. This performance by Sir Alec Guinness! The movie has several arcs and almost double the acts of most films (if you get technical) and yet it converges them so seamlessly into one sure footed story about futility - its a wonder of cinema. The other brain though, struggles throughout the movie. Beleaguered, and at times almost completely put off by its blatant racism under the guise of a message of the nature of men’s drives. How it conjures up the dream of white superiority with such ease, such effortlessness it almost as if it's a spell, or a dream.